Apple Cider Oatmeal Bread

from Elizabeth/zinlizzie, 11/9/01:

I've been working on a recipe for bread with fresh apple cider that you have let sit and get fermented. This is based on the Guinness Oatmeal Bread from Lora Brody's Bread Machine Baking book. Yum!

1 cup apple cider (as above)
1/4 cup water
3 T maple syrup or molasses (both are good, just slightly different end flavors)
1 egg
2 cups unbleached white flour
1/2 cup whole wheat (I used white the first time, red the second time, both are good)
1 cup oats
1/2 cup cornmeal
1-1/2 tsp salt
4 T powdered buttermilk
1 T yeast.

I do this in the bread machine on Dough, and then let it do the second rise in the pan, slashing the top. Bake in the oven at 350 for 40-45 minutes. Butter the top when it comes out before it cools. It has a fine tight crumb.

Really good with a sharp cheddar cheese, or toasted with melted Fontina on it.

Well, since I substituted it into (and then made a few mods) a recipe based on beer, I'm sure it would work. I think that the only difference would be that the hard cider has had the fermentive action halted whereas in the do-it-yourself kind it is augmenting the yeast just a bit. Today's batch rose quite a bit more, and more quickly, than last weeks batch, and the cider has been sitting fermenting during the week ;-)

I also tried the cider as a substitute for beer in a chile-lime marinade for chicken. If that turns out well, I'll post the recipe too.

from Carolyn, 11/10/01:

Well, I just made Elizabeth's bread, with some modifications (due to necessity, I am home without a car right now).

I used Guinness instead of fermented cider (didn't have any on hand, and I drank the hard cider last night, and DH had half a pint of Guiness left over);

I used nonfat dry milk instead of buttermilk powder (the latter would have been preferable, but I didn't have any);

substituted 1/2 cup rye flour for the cornmeal (I am not terribly partial to cornmeal in bread, plus I thought the rye would bring out the beery flavor; opted for the maple syrup instead of molasses

Made it completely in the bread machine. It was delicious! I am going to have to make another loaf, because Julia and I have been hacking away at it. I can't wait to try it with cider.

Thanks Elizabeth,

Carolyn, who cant ever follow a recipe.