Dave in Oz's Sauteed Chicken in a Mustardy Cream Sauce

It's a fairly basic honey mustard sauce and goes like this:

You'll need,

2 carrots
2 stalks of celery
1 large brown onion
some butter (real salted butter, nothing else will suffice)
a couple of cloves of garlic
2 chicken breast fillets (no skin)
your favourite seeded mustard
salt and pepper
sherry or white wine
cream, about 300ml


What you need to do:

Cook the rice (2 cups of rice to 3 cups of water in the microwave for 14 minutes on 70% usually does it - or use the rice setting if you've got it)

Dice the carrots, celery and onion into cubes of about equal size (about 3/16ths of an inch).

Chop the garlic as finely as possible (I tend to slice it lengthwise in slivers, then rotate it 90 degrees along the axis of the cut, repeat the slivering process, then rotate it 90 degrees around the axis of the cuts and repeat again, thus ending up with really really really small cubes).

Add a generous chunk of butter to an electric frypan set at about 300F. Add the diced vegetables. Stir around and reduce heat to simmer until the vegetables are softened (sometimes helps to put the lid on). Splash some sherry in every now and then to keep it all moist.

Dice the chicken into 1/2 inch cubes.

Set the vegetables aside in a bowl, increase the heat to 350-400F, put a little butter in to grease the pan, add the chicken (do not stir for 30 secs or so). Stir around and brown each side. Add about a tablespoon of mustard, and a splash of sherry. Reduce heat a little to avoid burning. Add cracked pepper to taste.

Once the chicken is fairly cooked through, add the vegetables and a little more sherry. When the sherry reduces off, add the cream and simmer for about 5 to 10 minutes, stirring frequently. The sauce should be a rich yellow colour (add more sherry if it looks to be reducing too much). Taste, if needed add some salt.

Voila! You're done, serve over a bed of rice.
