Spinach Salad
From: Helen
Here is a salad recipe that I got from my brother Luke. It's really delicious, and he said that feta cheese on it is just as good as the parmesan. Other substitutions are walnuts and dried cranberries instead of the avocado.
Chop up about half a red onion. Put it in a bowel and generously sprinkle some salt and pepper on top. Then pour some red-wine vinegar over top, enough to come up to the top of the onion, and stir. Let it marinate for at least a half hour; the longer the better. Wash and rip the spinach. Cut up at least a half an avocado and then pour the marinade over top, along with some olive oil. Toss, then sprinkle on some parmesan cheese to taste (toss again, but don't be shy about adding more!). It's great!